🌶️ Spicy take: job boards don't work for generalists

We believe there's a better way.... From jobs, to genres.

Job boards DON’T work for generalists. Because in many ways, it feels like you're seeking a unicorn role.

💌 You want a job that:

  • Flexes your interdisciplinary skills

  • Doesn't pigeonhole you into a tiny box

  • But also aligns with your values, and lets you work on meaningful, impactful problems

If only there was a way for generalists to find aligned, mission-driven companies who truly value our skillset and way of approaching working.

If only there was a way for companies to hire, support, and retain their top generalist talent.

We believe there is a way. A better way...

💡 From jobs to genres

Generalist Genres are:

  • a new approach to work, that puts 'impact' at the centre

  • a way to mobilize the right people, to the right problems

  • a more efficient way to find 'problem-employee-employer-fit'

🧠 In true build-in-public style, here's our hypothesis:

1. There is a significant market of generalist job seekers who prefer mission-driven opportunities over traditional job roles and industries

2. Current job platforms don't cater to the unique needs of generalist job seekers We believe huge unlocks are possible when we match people to companies who value them for the unique shape they are.

For the past few months Nikita Khandwala, in consultation with the Generalist World community, have been quietly working on it. And version 1 is launching publicly next week 🎊

❣️ Here’s how you can help!

  1. Wanna see this come to life? Comment on LinkedIn or Tiktok to show your support. Each reply is validation we can take to companies to showcase demand

  2. Know a wonderful company that’s hiring? Introductions or tags on their hiring posts would be fantastic!

  3. Keep an eye out. We’ll be soft-launching with Generalist World members first, and then to the public next week.

Cannot wait to help our amazing generalist pals land your dream role ❤️ 

Till next time, stay curious!

Milly Tamati

Founder & Chief Generalist

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